How do I set up licensing behind a Firewall?

The following TCP/IP ports are used for Houdini

  • HoudiniLicenseServer (sesientd): TCP port 1715
  • HoudiniServer (hserver): TCP port 1714

To test port connectivity to the license server port


Open the PowerShell and type the name or the IP address of the license server.

If you have Apprentice, Indie or Commercial workstation licenses, the license server/IP address will be your local machine. If you connect to a remote license server, you will use that machine name or IP address.

Test-NetConnection license-server-name-or-IP -Port 1715

If the client program HoudiniServer (hserver) cannot communicate with the HoudiniLicneseServer(sesinetd) you will see a message similar to:

WARNING: TCP connect to computer-or-IP:1715 failed

Linux or OSX

If you have Apprentice, Indie or Commercial workstation licenses, the license server/IP address will be your local machine. If you connect to a remote license server, you will use that machine name or IP address.

In a Terminal type:

nc -v license-server-name-or-IP 1715

If the client program HoudiniServer (hserver) can communicate with the HoudiniLicneseServer(sesinetd) you will see a message similar to:

Connection to computer-name 1715 port [tcp/*] succeeded!