Houdini Engine for 3ds Max: whats going on?

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I am always max user, often FX artist and newly Houdini license owner and I would like to know what's the status of Houdini Engine for max.

There was some annoucement that it would be out in late 2014 [sidefx.com], then the deadline passed and I saw no news. I contacted a japanese developer (Hideki suzuki) who was supposed to be working on it but I never got any answer.

I just saw that the source code is on github [github.com] (posted by Suzuki san) with instruction on how to complile it but I never compiled anything before and I would prefer spending my time learning houdini than visual studio!

Why don't side fx compile it themselves?

Did anyone succeeded at making this work in 3ds max?

www.strob.net [strob.net]

I did a lot of FX work for this short: I, Pet Goat II [vimeo.com]
Another clip I created all 3D for: Iron Baby [youtube.com]
And this one too: Little Antman [youtube.com]
See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid! [turbosquid.com]
Some RnD involving PhoenixFD [strob.net]
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Compiled version of the plug-in is currently being created with some documentation and will be available on github soon. There has been a delay because Hideki has had some technical difficulties.

This plug-in is being developed independently by Hideki in his spare time as a contribution to the 3DS Max community. SideFX released the source code for the Houdini Engine plug-ins in order to allow for these kinds of independent plug-ins and we appreciate all the effort Hideki has put into this project.

The delay from last year was because of an issue with Houdini Engine. Because 3DS Max and Houdini have different dependencies, there were conflicts in these that caused problems. With Houdini 15 and Houdini Engine 2.0, the engine now works independently from the host app in a thin client. This means that dependency conflicts aren't a problem and Hideki is able to release the Max plug-in.

Robert Magee
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The plug-in for the current production build is now available at:

https://github.com/K240/HoudiniEngineFor3dsMax/wiki/Houdini-Engine-for-3dsMax-Binaries [github.com]
Robert Magee
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Has anyone been able to install this? I tried, but i get an error, and also the archive seem to be missing a folder called “assets”
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It is working for me. Please just follow the precise instructions in the InstallGuide_en.docx document. It is really amazing and promising! But some stuff like solvers and most thing related to animation don't update in 3dsmax yet.

And a big Thank to Suzuki san for this! I hope he will find time to implement it fully. It is near the goal!

www.strob.net [strob.net]

I did a lot of FX work for this short: I, Pet Goat II [vimeo.com]
Another clip I created all 3D for: Iron Baby [youtube.com]
And this one too: Little Antman [youtube.com]
See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid! [turbosquid.com]
Some RnD involving PhoenixFD [strob.net]
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Hi there,
any news on this? Will there be a precompiled version soon?
(Or maybe somebody wants to share a compiled version with me?)

Also (to Strob) where can i find: InstallGuide_en.docx ?

I am an ex 3dsmax user now FullTime on Houdini. But my old 3dsmax friends are hopeing for me to produce digital assets for them.


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Yes it's precompiled, the binaries are the precompiled versions. You can download them via dropbox on this link:


The install docs are in the same zip file.

www.strob.net [strob.net]

I did a lot of FX work for this short: I, Pet Goat II [vimeo.com]
Another clip I created all 3D for: Iron Baby [youtube.com]
And this one too: Little Antman [youtube.com]
See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid! [turbosquid.com]
Some RnD involving PhoenixFD [strob.net]
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aaah thanks Strob. Very coolinski!

looking forward trying this over the next days.
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Hi everyone,
I've been trying to get the Engine-plugin for 3dsmax 2015 running on two different PC's (Win7 64bit, Win8 64bit) but always end up with an error

“DLL <….\HoudiniEngineFor3dsMax2015.dlo> failed to initialize. Error code 127”

I followed the installation manual (InstallGuide_en). System and User variables are set accordingly and the in-max setup for the engine too still i can't get it to work.
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Hi there

I also got LuFu83's problem.

“DLL <….\HoudiniEngineFor3dsMax2016.dlo> failed to initialize. Error code 126. Module not found”

I run the Houdini 15 Indi and 3dsmax 2016.

- Copied the “plugins” and “scripts” folder to 3dsmax 2016 root
- Created an empty “Assets” folder
- Set the PATH var
> Start 3dsmax and get the error above

Even though I got the error, the Houdini Engine menu is functional within 3dsmax. So I could set the “Asset” folder in the settings.
- Also set the “Asset” folder to system paths

BUT since the HoudiniEngineForMax2016.dlo does not load, I can't generate anything.

So you guys who managed to get it to run.. did you do anything else?
Did I miss an important step?
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be sure you're running Houdini
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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Hi arctor

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I'm running Houdini
Just to make sure.. The Engine installs with Houdini, right?
I don't have to install additional software for the Engine, just the regular Houdini install + the plugins for the app I want to run hda's?
In this case I installed Houdini, 3dsmax and then the binaries from github into max root.

+forgot to mention: Running Win7 64bit here
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Engine should be installed when you install Houdini. Did you set all necessary paths?
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As stated all system (houdini install path and max paths) and system user paths (houdini install paths) are set according to the installation instructions.

The engine itself installed as it should for Maya etc.
Which other paths are you refering to? - I will double check.

Now knowing that houdini apprentice doesn't support the Engine i THOUGHT at first maybe thats the case. After all I tried it with Maya, and Maya's command prompt kindly told me there is a issue with the license (apprentice not indie).

But reading Marcs post I am starting to doubt thats the reason for the dlo error in 3dsMax.
I have even tried to double up the Paths and tried to check the dlo dependencies.
I tried to use the specified created empty folder for the engine as stated in the installation instructions.
I tried to use the direction of the DLO file for the engine path.
I tried the usual sollution for Max-DLO problems (copy them to a folder inside plugins)
I tried the thing on Win7, Win8, Max2015 and Max2016(Trial), and with Houdini 15.0.303 (Apprentice) and latest 15.0.313(Apprentice).
I really need to get this to work to advocate the use of Houdini at my Company (sadly dominantly Max defenders)

Atm the only reason I can see is that my Houdini version is 15.0.313 and NOT Or that my 3dsmax is lacking latest service packs?
Or that the installation directory is not C but D?
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Hi Guys

As per instructions I set:
PATH = C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini\bin;%PATH%

As far as I understood, this is the only path required, if the pre compiled binaries are used.

I tried to use the direction of the DLO file for the engine path.
I tried the usual sollution for Max-DLO problems (copy them to a folder inside plugins)
Did that as well.. no success.
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Exactly the same here…..

Houdini full commercial license (node locked)
3dsmax 2015 SP3 Extension 2 full commercial license (node locked)

added houdini path to the PATH environment variable…
i tried with and without additional “HOUDINI_ROOT” variable

HoudiniEngine menu is available in 3dsmax
texture path and asset path are configured
asset path is also added to the system/3rd party pathes of 3dsmax

everything is done EXACTLY as described in the readme

but the .dlo don't want to load -> resulting in a simple message “error” when trying to load a .hda

i tried to reinstall several times…. no success
tried with and without admin privileges… no success

can anybody PLEASE clearify what causes this ?

PLEASE !!!!!!!!

he_fail.jpg (30.4 KB)

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