Material Tiling Issue - I want it to NOT tile, but it's tiling

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OK, so I've created a grid with a few rows and columns and I also created a 2-sided material using isfrontface and a switch in a Material Shader Builder.

My problem is that it ends up tiling my image depending on how many rows/columns I have, and that's not what I want.

I need the extra geo in the rows/columns so I can bend this smoothly.

I'm at a loss as to how to fix this. I've tried all kinds of UV Projection, UV Edit, etc. nodes, but nothing seems to help.

Any ideas?


Edited by reelinspirations - Feb. 10, 2017 15:54:46

tiling_issue.hiplc (191.0 KB)

Reel Inpsirations
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Try adding UVs to your grid.
Then inside your shader use a Bind to fetch that attribute into the shader network. It should come in as a vector. Route the X and Y from the VectorToFloat node to the S and T inputs of the textures.
Edited by Enivob - Feb. 10, 2017 16:30:57

ap_tiling_issue.hiplc (175.7 KB)
Untitled-1.jpg (164.9 KB)

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So, I haven't used bind at all yet, but I think what's happening is that you are accessing the uv attribute that the uvtexture SOP created, then creating a float out of it, but you only need the first 2 as it's not 3D information.

Not sure what the S and T inputs stand for, but it works and I am very thankful to you for that!

Reel Inpsirations
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That worked great, except now my texture is reversed. I've tried UVtransform both using a SOP on the grid and in the texture and can't seem to figure out how to get it flipped.

Any ideas?
Reel Inpsirations
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OK, I figured out a ‘work around’ but not sure if it's a ‘proper’ way to do this.

I swapped the S-T inputs and then rotated the UV in the uvtexture and offset it by -1 in the X and it worked.

Not sure why it worked, but it did.
Reel Inpsirations
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just as a sidenote:
the s and t are just u and v.

U = S = X
V = T = Y
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A note for Googlers if you're using MTLX.

If you DON'T want imported texture (MTLX Image node) to tile:
- change "Address Mode" U and V parameters to constant. By default, it's set to periodic which means - tiling.

If you want to scale, offset, or rotate, here's my approach (MTLX Geometry Property value node fetches st(UVs in USD) value from geomprop param):

Edited by AnimGraphLab - April 15, 2024 03:21:03

uvTextureManipulation.png (233.0 KB)

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