Where did the Group by Numbers and the Pattern options go?

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Just watching the Group tutorials by SideFX and I'm seeing that the Group Create node doesn't have these same options.

Thanks for any direction you can give!
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The Group Expression node only works with VEX expressions. What is the direct replacement for Group by Pattern where I can use ‘0 $N’. I tried putting it into the Base Group section in the Group node to adjust edges (as per Rohan's Mograph Tutorial) and it only scales 1 edge opposed to 2. Any suggestions?
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instead of using $N i think you could use
`npoints(opinputpath(“.”, 0))-1`

also there is this vex snippet for selecting end points by checking how many neighbours the point has:
@group_ends = (neighbourcount(0,@ptnum) == 1);

just add group_ends to the attributes to create and it will create a group.

hope it helps.

edit: you can also use
neighbourcount(0,@ptnum) == 1
in the groupexpression SOP.
@ptnum == 0 || @ptnum == @numpt-1
to simulate the 0 $N
Edited by Doudini - Feb. 25, 2017 22:07:18
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What is the desired end result? I thought Group Range was the replacement.
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I am also looking for the group by pattern number node in order to take a point with a 0 number and make it into group C so that it may be copied in a 360 pattern with a copy stamp for another one of Rohan's (Tea and Cookies) tutorials.
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Rohan describes changes to group nodes… https://vimeo.com/209767952 [vimeo.com]
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