Transform handle missing from digital asset

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Apologies if this is a basic question, I only started to learn Houdini a few days ago and I'm struggling to find any information on this that's relevant. Anyway, to the problem: Inside of Houdini I have an add node creating two points and drawing a line between them. The level above this I have created two xform handles in the type properties window of the Geo node, assigned those to the tx, ty, tz and copied the relative reference to the point locations in the add node.

Now in the Houdini view port I can see the handles and when I move them the points move appropriately. However, when creating a digital asset and bringing this into Maya the handles don't exist . The coordinates show in the attribute editor and they move the point appropriately but there is no view port control.

Are xform handles just not supported?
Am I missing a step in the process?

Thanks for any help you can offer and again, apologies if this is something simple I am missing.

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You're not missing anything. Unfortunately, handles aren't supported in the Maya plugin (yet). The usual workaround is to attach something like Maya locators to those attributes manually. To automate these setups, some users have scripts on Maya side to instantiate assets, and hook up various things, like creating and attaching handles.
Andrew / アンドリュー
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Thought it might be something like that. Thanks for the info. Don't suppose you have a link to any scripts for that purpose? Can't seem to get it to work through the connection editor nor the driven key menu. I imagine its a little more involved than my attempts but it was worth a shot.

I'll take a look for some scripts myself too. Again, thanks for the info!



I managed to get it to work through the connection editor in the end. I made a mistake during the process. Thanks again for the help.
Edited by Tom Hurd2 - March 13, 2017 07:24:53
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