Siggraph 2018

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The only thing that I've heard about H17 on the videos is to not talk about H17, really!? Oops! []
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Besides topobuilding on a plane, it also has new shortcut(s) if i'm correct (like closing a hole etc).
I like the idea of using topobuild node as a starting point for development, just last week I used it to retopo something. I liked the experience. The more handy shortcuts they can add to it the better (shortcut uses reminds be a bit of uvlayout software as well which is also a great experience)

I did see in the TAB menu + in the shelve a new ‘vellum’ category + new FEM category : ) Can't wait when it's out.
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looks legit.
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@fianna no probs. just was wondering if I had missed something.
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as well as new ‘vellum“ and ’FEM' thanks point that out rpdacosta

but i all so see new category ”Planar" from the tab menu

you see it at 23:56 in on the video
Edited by gfxfx - Aug. 26, 2018 06:13:58
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@ 23:58 You can see an “Extract Transform” node. I'm hopeful it's a step among the first, towards better transformations in Houdini.
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Thanks @rpdacosta those new Polydraw modes look good! i.e. Fill etc

Out of all the new nodes, visible in the TAB menus, the new Winding Order SOP is sounding very important. The paper talks about 1000x speedup for SDF type calculations, which will help enormously. []

USD sounds very nice too, if the Clarisse style speedups come to Houdini. IIRC something like 40x faster for geo loading.

Vellum appears to be a new version of cloth/paper(?)… by the sheer number of nodes… but to paraphrase; once you go Numerion you can't go back. (hopefully an Indie version will be forthcoming)

New Sops:

USD Export

Vellum Config Balloon, Cloth, Grain, Hair, Softbody, Constraints, Pack, Stitch Points, Weld Points, Post Process

Planar Patch from Curves, Plait

Pose Space edit, Space Deform

Winding Order

Extract All Points

Graph Color

Test Geo: Crag


FEM shelf replaces Cloth

Display Views - Boundaries - separated controls for 3d & UV (with attribute)
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I did see some of these other nodes as well,
But did not want to point them out here to not discourage SideFX to
publish more “sneak peak” video's in the future : )
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Nice new SOPs! Thank you, SESI!
Edited by Alexey Vanzhula - Sept. 3, 2018 15:50:48 []
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rpdacosta .
I did see some of these other nodes as well,
But did not want to point them out here to not discourage SideFX to
publish more “sneak peak” video's in the future : )

Don't worry about it. SESI have a long-standing habit of editing posts to conform anyway… so post away. Anything public is fair game IMO.
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