Node Info box.

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I'm trying to add a note in the node info box, but it disappears too quickly. I can't even move my mouse up to the corner to pin it before it is gone. Any ideas?
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ctrl-middle click to open info window without it closing instantly. Or if you have node rings enabled, you can click the ‘i’ on the left side of the ring.
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I'll try the ctrl-middle click.
ctrl-middle click to open info window without it closing instantly. Or if you have node rings enabled, you can click the ‘i’ on the left side of the ring.
As you noted that I could click on the ‘i’, but that is what I was doing. I'd click the ‘I’ and the info box would disappear before I could click the “display” option. Acted buggy.
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This is a MacOs only bug - the info window stays open on Linux and Windows.
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I had this same problem intermittently on Windows 10, if anyone else is having this issue I found this helps:

Edit -> Preferences -> Network Editor, Nodes, and Trees -> Uncheck “Node Info Window Close When Losing Focus”

The info panel will then stay open regardless of where you go in the network view but I actually find this better with bigger networks and you can always just middle click on any node to clear it.
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This is a bug in 18.0.460 (on Windows too). It's been fixed now, so update to .499 and you should be good.
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Joined: July 2013
Why isn't the node info available as a pane?
- “spooky action at a distance”. Albert Einstein
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