Material Management - applying materials to geometry groups

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Intermediate Houdini, enjoying the journey from Soft but still feel like I'm missing a few key workflow nuggets.

How do people handle applying materials to groups of objects?

e.g. I have multiple geometry nodes and subnets, parented and constrained in various geo hierarchies.
I would like to be able to select a bunch of geometry objects to share a material.

In my mind, being able to apply a Material to a Bundle (or similar) would be a great way to do it, so you can see which objects have the material applied and easily moves objects in and out of Bundles.

Any suggestions welcome,


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The material node does operate upon multiple groups. Use that. Construct groups, then assign a material down stream. If you have multiple objects in different /obj networks, you can disable their display flag, create a new Geometry node and use an ObjectMerge inside to bring in the geometry for rendering.
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