Jacob Zǔ Qí Matthes


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Solaris: setting or renaming primvars May 21, 2024, 7:28 a.m.

Heya, I'm trying to process some assets and found that the uv primvar is called "UVMap" and when I unpack to polygons in a sop modify I can see that "UVMap" is set to a vertex attribute. I tried looking around to see if there was a way to rename the primvar but haven't found any answers or methods to do this. Instead, I'm creating a primvar called "uv" and I'm setting the value of "UVMap" onto my "uv" primvar. But when I look at my created "uv" primvar in the sop modify node, I see that it created the "uv" primvar attribute as a point attribute instead of a vertex one. I've not seen anything obvious in the documentation to control or choose where the primvar data should be set too, if it should be a point, prim, vertex or detail attribute. I've tried to create the uv vertex attribute before creating and setting the primvar. But it renames the uv vertex attribute to "st" and sets the uv attribute back to point.

string primPath = chs("primPath");

usd_addprimvar(0, primPath, "uv", "texCoord2f[]", "vertex");

vector2 uvVal[] = usd_primvar(0, primPath, "UVMap");

usd_setprimvar(0, primPath, "uv", uvVal);

Using point position to matchmove and align geometry. Feb. 6, 2024, 12:37 p.m.


Before I look to try and make my own implementation, I was wondering if there is a node i may have missed which would do the same thing.

I'm wanting to align geometry based on point position from input 1 and 2 without any scaling, or scaling being optional.
I would specify a point number from Input1 and another from Input 2 to essentially create a pair and i would match several pairs in a multiparm of some sort.
By specifying pairs, the geometry from Input 1 can then be moved into position based on the point pairing.
Similar technique to aligning the scene in matchmove where you pair the 2D tracked point, from your footage, to a location on the mesh.


Houdini UI switch with Y and Z up Nov. 7, 2023, 10:19 a.m.


I'm trying to switch my orientation in Houdini from Y to Z up and have managed to do so in the preferences. But is there an option to switch the UI as well? By default a vector is XYZ and displayed in that order in the UI. Is it possible to switch this to XZY?
Mainly because i have hdas and hip files which used the middle UI element for up, at the time being Y, which now breaks because the axis has changed.
