New in Houdini 16 is the ability to block-off a group of nodes to be compiled. This unlocks the ability to multithread for-each loops, but requires some attention to detail. This masterclass runs through the do-s and don't-s of compiled SOPs.


  • TwinSnakes007 6 years, 11 months ago  | 

    Really great session. Some great information in here. The last part with Verbs was really good, and something I had no clue existed.

    Wish there was someway I could leverage my VEX knowledge with Verbs. Really dont want to pickup Python to get access to the power of Verbs.

  • gui2one 6 years, 11 months ago  | 

    Same here , the end part with python 'verbs' was a big and beautiful surprise

  • sdugaro 6 years, 9 months ago  | 

    Awesome, from start to finish! I did notice that verbs may not pick up the node default when setParms isn't explicit about menu parms. For instance if you were to replicate the boolean verb logic manually, the spheres default orientation would be the Y-axis {'orient':1} but not setting that in the verb code will boolean with the X-axis orientation... ie {'orient':0} ie the zeroth menu option of the spheres orient. Same goes for the {detriangulate:2} default.

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