Creating substep geometry

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Hi all,

Ive been busting my head a couple of days now and cant figure it out. I have some bgeos coming from alembic (an animated geometry) that I want to use in a sim. Problem is the damn thing is moving so fast, and since it is cached there are no transformation data. So Im trying to create the in between geometry in order to be able to use substeps in my sim.

Im doing so by timeshifting the whole thing for a frame and then with a point sop blending the point position of the two geometries, ( TX and TX2)

doing this for every point : fit01(ch(“blend”), $TX, $TX2) in the point sop.

then animating a ramp with this expression : if(($FF-$F)<0,1-abs($FF-$F),($FF-$F))
in order to get gradual blending from TX to TX2.
the if expression gives me the floating value of FF ( if the frame is 1000,6 it will give me 0,6)
..problem is Houdini counts 1000,6 as 1001 so by the time im doing this TX is allready TX2 !

Is this making any sence ? do you know a better way to achieve substep geometry ? there must be a more inteligent way to do this …
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does trailSop work?
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the way I did it (a long while ago, not sure if now there's a simpler version already built-in now) was:

“sequence blend SOP” node with the following expression:

and then
// input 0 : file node with “name.floor($FF).bgeo”
// input 1 : file node with “name.floor($FF+1).bgeo”

then set timeline to work with floating frames and I had a smooth floating blend between any floating frame.

VisualCortexLab Ltd ::
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TimeBlend SOP after File Read SOP is easiest solution to get correct motion blending between frames of imported animation/deformation.

It basically does what Jean Claude Nouchy wrote.
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TimeBlend SOP after File Read SOP is easiest solution to get correct motion blending between frames of imported animation/deformation.

It basically does what Jean Claude Nouchy wrote.

Interesting, I couldn't get it to work with the TimeBlend SOP alone, so I applied VisualCortexLab's solution:

Another solution that seemed to work was to first slow down with a re-time and then speed up with a re-time, keeping substeps at 1 for both (e.g., to add 10 substeps I set speed to 10 on the first one and then 0.1 on the second one)

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