step by step 3delight setup, please

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Hi ,
can anyone please help me with a step by step guide
on how to install 3delight with houdini on win XP 32 ?
thanks in advance for your efforts
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If you look on the odforce wiki [] there is an entire breakdown on the whole subject

Gone fishing
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Thanks for your answer circusmonkey
the only thing i was able to find on odforce was this []
and it's mainly for linux…that's why i specified windows in my question
so any help would be appreciated
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Thanks for your answer circusmonkey
the only thing i was able to find on odforce was this []
and it's mainly for linux…that's why i specified windows in my question
so any help would be appreciated

Just a note, 3Delight doesn't work with Houdini Apprentice or Apprentice HD. You need the full commercial version for external render support.

Sorry if that is assuming too much, but I figured since you posted in the Apprentice section that this may be your problem.

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You're totally right Alanw, thanks for the info
i'm using apprentice now, but at work i can use the full version,
so i would like to know how we can do that with the full version
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In that case you should be good to go with the OdForce guide. I don't see anything that is necessarily “linux specific” in the houdini 9 install instructions.

Have you setup the environment variables and installed the display driver using proto_install ? You may also need to add 3delight to your %PATH%

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Hi. Had to search through tons of stuff to find out how to do this. But this worked for me, so I would like to share how:

01. Unpack and install 3delight-10.0.50-Darwin-Universal.pkg.tar or latest version
It will be installed in:
Applications > Graphics > 3Delight-10.0.50

02. Test if 3delight works:
Open a Terminal
Type “renderdl -h” for help
Type “renderdl -test -id” which opens the id renderer

03. Install shaders:
In Houdini, go File > Install Digital Asset Library…
Click and browse to your 3delight directory > shaders.
There you will find shaders.otl
Install to Scanned OTL Directories and Accept.

04. Go to Edit > Preferences > Rendering and make sure 3delight is enabled as a renderer. (3Delight 9.0)

05. Create an empty text file and name it like houdini_3delight.command with the following text embedded:

# setup 3delight
source .3delight_bash
# setup houdini
cd /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/Current/Resources
source houdini_setup_bash
# launch houdini

06. Copy houdini_3delight.command to your Houdini directory. Use this later to open Houdini when your going to use 3Delight.

07. Change permissions on the .command file:
Open Terminal.
Type “chmod a+x ”
Drag the command file into the Terminal window to get the correct path. Press enter.

08. Open Houdini by double-clicking on the new command file.

09. Test by adding a Torus, a light, a camera to the scene, go to SHOPs, press TAB, add a material from Surface(RenderMan) like RSL Shiny Metal.

Select it and click Shift + C to make it into material1. Jump back to OBJ, select Torus > Material and assign it.

10. Create a RenderMan render node to Out, change “Render Target” to latest 3Delight, and “Command” arrow down to 3Delight too.

There! That worked for me. Hope it can help others to start off too.
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Why do you need to collapse the SHOP into a subnet? If you've only got one SHOP, then can't you just assign that node directly?
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Edward, I don't know actually. Still a newb to Houdini. Only followed a process that worked, based on other peoples instructions. Do tell when you find out more about it!
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