Revert to previous value (Shift+RMB)

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Please … Revert to previous value (Shift+RMB)
- Is it something like local undo?
- Is it working right? It is not accessible for me … or am I missing something?

I am running windows 8.1 and Houdini Version 15.5.480
Edited by ikoon - June 28, 2016 10:09:12
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Hi ikoon,

this function seems to be a kind of a local undo, where a channel supposed stores not only the current value but the previous as well. But actually, it is not stored in the corresponding channel. It seems to me as it is stored in the RAM. So as soon you reload your scene or restart Houdini the previous value is vanished. That might be a downside, but the cool thing is, that it works independent from the Undo/Redo-History.

However, the shortcut Shift+RMB does not work me neither
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Hello Hälen, thank you very much for your answer. It is probably a bug then. I have reported it.
Best regards,
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Not working for me.
Is it still ongoing issue?

Or is it only working if you manually input a value?
Edited by jomaro - April 15, 2021 19:54:27
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Back in the 2016 I got this reply from SideFX:
"I am not seeing a problem with this. It is working fine for me."

But I still don't know what the exact use is. I learnt to live with (or rather without) it

Btw there is a neat function in the Animation Editor, called Snapshots: []
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