Houdini Engine initialize failure

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We have a problem loading Maya plug-in on some machines on Maya2016sp6.
The error message says;

// Creating an in-process Houdini Engine session. //
// Houdini Engine failed to initialize. //
// Houdini version: 15.5.632 //
// Houdini Engine version: 2.0 (API: 24) //

The plug-in was compiled and provided by you.

HAPI_Initialize() result was HAPI_RESULT_FAILURE (tested with custom built plug-in).
It's not likely to be related to the machine hardware since it worked on another account.

Is there any reason you could think of? I would appreciate if you could give us any suggestions to solve it.
Thank you,

Edited by hohehohe2 - Feb. 10, 2017 20:13:29
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By default, Houdini Engine will try to load Houdini's libraries into Maya. This could be due to library conflicts between Houdini and Maya. Could you start Maya without any plugins loaded at all, and then try loading the Maya plugin?

Another thing to try is switch to named pipe (auto-start server). That would avoid loading Houdini's libraries into Maya's.
Andrew / アンドリュー
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I could load Houdini Engine plug-in successfully after unloading every other plug-in.
I'll test more to see what is conflicting with it.

Thank you very much!

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