Black geometry in viewport when switching display flags

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I have an issue that seems to come up rather frequently, in which the viewport displays geometry as if it is all black, or rather as if the v@Cd is set to 0. Naturally that makes it kind of hard to see anything of what I am doing

It might be something I'm doing wrong, but if it is I'm not sure what it could be. Looking at the geometry spreadsheet it seems to have it's properties set correctly.

It does seem to happen quite randomly though, and I have attached a video showing how the geometry looks correct when opening Houdini, but upon switching the display flag on a couple of nodes it suddenly goes black. Previously it has happened randomly quite often as well, without any pattern I can discern, and with seemingly random nodes in the network view. I sometimes can add a node, in which things look as expected, but after tweaking some settings or switching display flags it goes black again.

Any pointers on what to check in terms of possible solutions?


2021-01-21_14-56-00.mp4 (2.6 MB)

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Weirdly, uninstalling and reinstalling a couple different versions seems to have removed the issue. I'm assuming it was something to do with the version I was using. Unfortunately I didn't make note of which version before uninstalling
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