Minor Q: Choosing default scheduler options

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I'm creating a setup where the end user can choose to use LocalScheduler, or DeadlineScheduler via toggle option. Obviously I could approach this choice a number of ways but I just wanted to ask if there is a "best" way.

Complicating things slightly is that a few of the TOPs have per-node Scheduler overrides to allow me to use Deadline's grouping (see separate thread) options.

One approach is to use expressions with some if: statements that look at the toggle, and set the Default scheduler appropriately, but also "clear" the per-TOP Scheduler overrides if "LocalScheduler" is selected.

Alternatively, I can put in Switch TOPs and duplicate the nodes that require the overrides of the Deadline Scheduler and switch them out as needed.

In both cases, I don't see an alternative to an expression in the Default Scheduler of the TOP network itself.

Have I missed anything? I can get my work done with any of these, and I lean towards the Switch TOP simply because the network is clearer to parse (i.e. no expressions tucked away unexpectedly) however thought I'd ask.

18.5.462 Win 10 Py 3


Peter B
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> Complicating things slightly is that a few of the TOPs have per-node Scheduler overrides

This shouldn't complicate things actually. The overrides for one scheduler should not interfere with overrides for another.
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I may have misspoke, I mean I'm using TOP Scheduler Override, won't that force that node to use Deadlinescheduler if Default Scheduler is LocalScheduler?
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Oh I see, yes you're right about that. I think your approach makes sense.
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