Rotation... before, during and after simulation oddness

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Hi all,

I'm doing a simplified "falling pebbles" simulation, using packed cubes as rigid bodies through a pop source, then using @instancefile after the sim to replace the cubes with rocks... Works a treat, but rotations (or display of) are a bit screwy.

Using @orient to randomise the rotation of the cubes before simulation, the simulation and dopimport stage seem to display rotation slightly off, bit when I copy to points the original master cube after the dopimport to check rotations it looks correct.

Going a different route and using a randomised @N and @up the sim and dopimport match the initial setup visually, but the copies now won't match their rotation to the incoming data... Unless I unpack first in which case I obviously get 8 cubes for each input.

Is the display thing with @orient a known gotcha? (not known by me obvs). And How would I go about making the @N & @up route match at the end?



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